Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Sometimes customers can be creepy
This is a friends story of one such case

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It was one evening, just before closing, when a man walked in to the store. I was alone on the floor, we were short handed that night, and my manager was in the back office closing. The man looked at me, then slowly walked around the entire store. He stopped in front of me, and asked, "Are you here alone?"

I realized he had looked to see if anyone else was in the store, so I lied, and tried to make it sound as if I wasn't alone. I was completely freaked out, and thinking about what he wants and how to react.

But what he ended up saying surprised me
"You’re the type of girl I would marry for a week, fuck then divorce "

Not what I had expected, inappropriate, but I hadn't thought about how it react in this situation.

I responded, "I happen to have a boyfriend".

To which he said, "I happen to know you don’t ".

At this point I sternly told him he needs to leave, yet he didn't seem to get the clue, and continued to "casually" harass me. That is until I treated to call security, and he shuffled out.

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