Monday, February 2, 2009

Never Stop Moving

Short bit from a small town drugstore

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My store is in a quite park of town, no where near downtown at the normal retail rush. But it happened to be right next door to a retirement home. So we get a lot of people 65 and up. In fact sometimes there are scheduled "fieldtrips" to our shopping center.

On Christmas Eve, a woman from the retirement home came in to our store. I put all of her items in to one bag, but hesitated realizing she's a small old lady. So I asked, " Do u want me to lighten this up for u? " and she said "Oh, no! I am strong!"

Totally amused, I decide to humor her a bit and say, "Wow you are strong! "
To which she responds, "I'm 91 years old! almost 92."
I reply," WOW, I wanna be like u when i'm that age"
And she said "Do you wanna know the secret to good health like mine? Never stop moving!" and then she flexed her arm!

I thanked her for the advice, and was truely impressed with her vitailty and humor!

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